Companies in Aix-Marseille mobilise in solidarity with their territory

Companies in Aix-Marseille mobilise in solidarity with their territory
14 April 2020 / General

A contribution from many sectors of activity

Since the announcement of the containment, many Provençal companies have joined the action to fight against the coronavirus. The support given to the care assistants and employees in the area is being structured. Each sector of activity is mobilising according to its skills: chemistry, logistics, digital, not forgetting professionals in the catering and fashion industries. These initiatives, while awaiting medical solutions and large-scale tests, are a brake on the spread of the virus and are proof of a great territorial dynamic.

Everywhere in France and Provence, the Covid-19 health crisis has led to the emergence of chain solidarity actions within both large groups and smaller companies. Companies by sector have structured themselves to meet urgent needs.

In the fields of heavy and fine chemicals

Three companies well known to Provence Promotion in the context of their development, establishment or takeover projects have become involved to provide their support.

In just 10 days, the British industrialist Ineos built a new hand disinfectant factory at its Lavera site in the Bouches-du-Rhône, which has just started production on Wednesday 8 April. A tour de force in a region where the manufacturer is constantly investing.

As for the Pharma and beauty group, it has reoriented its industrial tool on its three French sites, launching a production of 300 tons of hydroalcoholic gel per month. A formidable implementation of know-how safeguarded in France since the group has built itself on the acquisition of 3 companies in France, including a first plant in Provence, in Saint-Chamas, today the group's headquarters.

The Savonnerie du Midi, which was taken over in 2013 by the French SME Prodef, has also committed itself by offering its soaps at 1 € on its website. After investing €1.5 million in the renovation of the site and its original cauldrons, they are now running at full speed for a good cause.

In the food industry

And it is thanks in particular to alcohol donations from spirits producers such as Pernod-Ricard that the increase in production capacity for the disinfectant gel so essential in the fight against covid-19 is possible. By destocking their reserves, they supply one of the three components essential for its manufacture.  

Another important support of the food industry is the producers of agricultural alcohol. Although strongly impacted by the drop in demand for the bioethanol needed for biofuels, they are mobilizing and actively participating in the national effort by supplying their raw material.

It is also by delivering meals, chocolate, pizzas, bread and many foodstuffs that the sector helps hospital staff and the most disadvantaged.  The Gourméditerranée association supported by Provence Tourisme has been delivering hundreds of three-star meal baskets for several weeks. A large solidarity chain has been set up with 70 top chefs of Provencal gastronomy and many catering professionals.

In the digital field

The service offering of digital startups has also been strengthened. Rofim in Marseille or Hellocare in La Ciotat have made their telemedicine platforms available free of charge to doctors and healthcare professionals to maintain medical appointments, monitor patients and share expert feedback.
These solutions have received the support of the household appliance brand Boulanger, which via its call centre, helps the two startups to answer questions about installation or technical assistance.

In the field of fashion

For the manufacture of barrier masks, a whole network has just been federated. The collective called "Les Couturiers Solidaires du Sud" aims to produce 50,000 masks that will be given free of charge to the most exposed professional categories such as employees in the EPHADs, home helpers and shopkeepers. The approach, replicated for the manufacture of blouses, is structured around the distribution of kits made available to dressmakers and volunteers. More than 300 people have already responded to the call. Professionals or amateurs are invited to join this chain of solidarity of dressmakers.

These impulses of solidarity are to be followed in the local press, which regularly reports on them.
