Attracting startups: The core ambition of the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis

Attracting startups: The core ambition of the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis
28 Januar 2019 / Cosmetics, E-Commerce/E-Tourism, Energy, Grow your business, Internet of Things, Logistics, Naval, Smart Cities, Software/Digital Services & Consulting

The "M" public accelerator within the Cité de l'Innovation et des Savoirs in Aix-Marseille

ZEBOX, the M accelerator and Obratori: Since late 2018, these three locations, each dedicated to supporting innovation and startups, have been co-existing in Marseille’s Cité de l’innovation et des savoirs d’Aix-Marseille (Cisam), in a protected Art Deco building formerly used for maritime activities. On January 22, 2019, the site, redeveloped by the French Caisse des dépôts et consignations fund, received a visit from Martine Vassal, President of the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis, at the launch of the region's “M” accelerator, focusing on the Mediterranean area and Africa. Working alongside Provence Promotion, the economic development agency, Aix-Marseille-Provence's ambition is to attract ever-increasing levels of talent and innovative companies. In this case, Provence Promotion is providing know-how in identifying and attracting accelerators for major international groups and convincing start-ups to set up operations in the local area.  

Today, these incubators and accelerators are places where major groups rub shoulders with start-ups whose agility and ability to innovate are sizable assets in a fast-changing economy. CMA CGM and the L’Occitane group have chosen to site their “ZEBOX” and “Obratori” accelerators in Marseille. Their premises at the Cité de l’innovation et des savoirs d’Aix-Marseille, supported by Aix-Marseille Université and the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan area, are shared with “M”. This public accelerator, with backing from the metropolitan area, has only just opened for business, and awaits the first round of start-up promotions in March.

“We're constantly working with Provence Promotion to identify new investors,” commented Martine Vassal – President of the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolitan Area – during her January 22 visit. Over a two-hour period, she met the various start-ups, operating in the transport, health and cosmetics sectors. She also highlighted the joint work carried out in 2017 with Provence Promotion – the Metropolitan Area's “secret weapon” for promoting the local region – in convincing the L’Occitane group to choose Marseille instead of Paris or Lausanne.

Martine gave their representatives a red-carpet welcome, persuading them to set up their “Innovation Lab” here. This approach was also backed by the work of Voyage Privé. The company – which has its own local accelerator in the region – visited the cosmetics group's Geneva headquarters in support of the Marseille region's bid.

A virtuous circle of appeal

Large groups then, in turn, become prescribers themselves, creating a virtuous circle of appeal, explains Provence Promotion CEO Philippe Stéfanini: “For us, L’Occitane provides a means of demonstrating Marseille's value to a major US pharmaceutical laboratory looking for a European site where it can nurture start-ups.” 

For such accelerators in the process of setting up in the region, there is constant collaboration with Provence Promotion. The prospecting team then introduces them to growing start-ups it has located in France or abroad, and offers them assistance in relocating. Such “soft landings” are designed to make it easy for start-ups to find their feet. “We have big ambitions to become one of the best places for attracting start-ups,” Philippe adds.

This firm rooting in the Marseille area enables the new arrivals to find partner companies and cement partnerships with research laboratories and the Aix-Marseille-French Tech member network. The goal of this work is to see the company's HQ established in Provence at the end of its acceleration phase.

Well used to attracting investors, with 1,200 such projects supported over the last twenty years, Provence Promotion works with mature companies and start-ups alike. “In 2018, we worked closely with 60 start-ups from around the globe. Our approach is to source companies related to our sectors of excellence, for incorporation into our ‘Start in Provence’ program,” Philippe explains.

Provence Promotion’s mission is the same for companies of any size: to drive their growth in the region by offering them tailored support for their needs (real estate, HR, finance, etc.), and a clear view of their situation at all phases of their development.”
