Kalifeye tells us…

Kalifeye tells us…
21 Juni 2006 /
Positive flexibility
Freelance employees?… freelance personnel delegates?…
Innovation is everywhere in our economy!  Proof that the Kalifeye group is opening up flexibility at work, particularly with Kalifeye Portage half way between the status of employee and freelance.
This Company managed by Nathalie Collange was set up very recently in the Arbois activity area.  It is supported by Provence CEEI (Centre Européen d'Entreprise et d'Innovation – European Enterprise and Innovation Centre), acting as a partner of Provence Promotion.

Positive flexibility
Freelance employees?… freelance personnel delegates?…
Innovation is everywhere in our economy!  Proof that the Kalifeye group is opening up flexibility at work, particularly with Kalifeye Portage half way between the status of employee and freelance.
This Company managed by Nathalie Collange was set up very recently in the Arbois activity area.  It is supported by Provence CEEI (Centre Européen d'Entreprise et d'Innovation – European Enterprise and Innovation Centre), acting as a partner of Provence Promotion.
